True Food Missoula

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Mineral Balance Series: Magnesium!

Mineral Balance Series: Magnesium! 

We are back to our mineral series this week and are talking about magnesium! Every cell of your entire body contains magnesium and needs it to properly function. Magnesium is one of seven major minerals in our body that must be consumed on a daily basis. Magnesium facilitates as many as 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. Enzymes are necessary for digestive function, DNA replication, liver function, hormone production and balance, and cell regulation and respiration. 60% of magnesium in the body is found in our bones, 25% in muscle, and the remainder in fluids and soft tissue.

Functions of Magnesium:

  • Energy creation: Converting food into energy.

  • Gene function: Needed for DNA production and function.

  • Muscle Function: Helps to contract and relax muscles and give muscles the ability to use oxygen.

  • Nervous system regulation: Regulates neurotransmitters which help the brain and body communicate.

  • Hormone function: Helps to balance hormones and regulate symptoms of PMS.

  • Enzyme production: Activates enzymes that are important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Unfortunately, the majority of people are depleted of magnesium. When the body does not have the necessary elements to function correctly, your body must work harder than it should each day and will eventually break down as a result. How does this happen and what can we do about it? 

Two Reasons We Are Lacking Magnesium:

Soil Depletion

We have been told to shop organic, buy non-GMO products, and only buy food and produce on the outsides of the grocery store, but that may not be enough.  Unfortunately, the produce that lines our shelves today is not the same as it once was.  In recent decades magnesium in wheat and many vegetables has decreased by up to 25%. When we look at how our food affects us, we need to see the root causes for some of these deficiencies, and soil depletion certainly contributes to this. 

Due to poor management of land and aggressive modern farming techniques, overgrazing and deforestation, the quality of our soil is not what it used to be. When soil is depleted, the microorganisms that make up its fertility and vitality are removed and the soil's nutrient content continues to be diminished. Crops that are grown in this depleted soil are lacking protein, trace minerals, magnesium, vitamin c, phosphorus and iron. Today, we are considered a population that is overfed and undernourished! When the body does not have the necessary vitamins and minerals to function correctly, your body must work harder than it should and will slowly break down as a result. 


Another serious contributing factor to magnesium depletion is stress. When your body is stressed, mentally and physically, it requires more magnesium to function. The more stress we have, the more magnesium is being stripped from the body! Stress can be physical, mental, emotional or environmental. It could be anything from undereating, over exercising, lack of sleep, sitting in traffic, or deadlines for work. Any prolonged stressor on the body will deplete your magnesium stores. Here is an example of the vicious cycle that stress can have on our bodies and how it can be hard for us to overcome.

Stress → Magnesium Loss (magnesium loss contributes to electrolyte loss)

Electrolyte Loss → Less Energy (energy loss on a cellular level causes cell death, which is the degeneration of vital cell function)

Cell Death →  Increasing Inflammation (inflammation causes symptoms of disease

Symptoms of Disease → More Stress!

What Can You Do?

As always we suggest you treat your body with a food first approach. Here are some magnesium rich foods to include in your diet:

  • Dark leafy greens

  • Avocado

  • Buckwheat flour

  • Whole wheat flour

  • Almonds & cashews

  • Brown rice

  • Tofu

  • Kidney beans

Another option is to work with a functional medicine doctor or your primary care doctor to assess what types of magnesium might work best to supplement with and see how it makes you feel!