Support local farmers & ranchers to connect to your local food system

In this time of social distancing, we may be searching for new ways to connect, many of us on the phone or computer seemingly all day to check in with loved ones and work with co-workers. In our last post, we talked about better ways to connect digitally, but we still need deeper and more intimate connections with one another. We’re missing the comfort of contact, closeness, ability to welcome someone into our home, backyard BBQs, and spontaneous coffee dates. As a way to try to satisfy that deeper connectedness we are looking for, I encourage you to start or rekindle a relationship with local food producers. This could be a one-time stop at a local farm stand that you see everyday, or finally taking the plunge and getting a share of a cow or a CSA share. Connecting with your local farmers and ranchers is a way to feel connected to our community. These hard working folks are doing everything they can to bring the highest quality, nutrient dense foods to our community. Knowing where your food comes from, and the story behind it, adds a depth of flavor and richness to your food that is nourishing beyond just the plate.  

Due to the postponed farmers market, farmers have had to get creative and start online vegetable purchases with weekly deliveries to Missoula. Known as “barn 2 door” or “veggie drive through”, farmers are doing their best to get high quality produce into your kitchen!

Missoula area farms implementing online ordering of vegetables

Missoula area farms with great produce stands

Don’t stop with vegetables! Supporting our local ranchers and meat producers is equally as important to our local economy and our optimal health. We’re so fortunate to have a multitude of producers in the near vicinity that can keep our families and freezers supplied with the highest quality, most delicious meat on the market. Reach out to your local ranchers and they’ll likely be able to help you put together a box of meat or walk you through what meat share will be most appropriate for your family.

Local meat producers and suppliers in the Missoula

Many of these ranchers will give you discounts for buying over a certain poundage of meat. Ask how you can best support them and your wallet by meeting a quantity discount.

Want more options?

Many farms still have CSA shares left for the 2020 season! The Missoula County Weed District & Extension created an extensive map of local farmers and producers with information regarding the products they offer (CSAs, meat/eggs/honey, farm stand, u-pick, farmer’s markets) as well as their location and contact information. Check out the map here.

Visit AERO’s website to find an interactive map of farms and ranchers, farmer’s market, organizations, processors and distributors, institutions, and other local food items. The state-wide map is searchable, with filters that can help you narrow down exactly what you’re looking for. Check out the interactive map here

And as always…you can participate in the local food system and stay connected to our community through food by purchasing a weekly meal from True Food Missoula! Supporting True Food supports farmers and ranchers as ingredients are sourced locally as often as possible, with menus crafted around what is locally and seasonally available now!