Digestion issues? We’ve all been there, especially after the holiday season. After indulging in too many sweets and drinks sometimes the body just needs a reboot. A great way to jumpstart that process is by using a food first approach. Our digestion must be working properly in order to absorb all of the nutrients from the food we eat. Every cell of the body depends on the digestive system to provide the nutrients it needs for structure and function. Digestion is a north to south process, beginning in the brain. 


For food to be properly broken down and absorbed, the body needs to be in a parasympathetic state (i.e not stressed), so that it is able to rest & digest. Here are a few ways to help support that process.

  • Sit down at the table to eat instead of standing

  • Avoid eating on the run

  • Avoid multitasking and be present. Turn off phones, computers, tv, etc.

  • Take a few deep breaths and feel gratitude for what you are about to eat

Another great way to assist your body with the digestion process is to incorporate bitter foods, specifically, members of the Brassicaceae family in your diet. In this week’s menu, we have a cabbage and turnip slaw that is packed with Vitamin C and fiber. These ingredients are great for liver detoxifying, cell regeneration, and natural cleansing. Bitter foods begin a cascade of reactions in the body, including bile production and excretion, to prepare our digestive system for the food we are about to eat. Bile breaks down fats and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D E K so they are more available to move to areas of the body where they are needed. Bile also helps to break down our food more quickly and effectively which is important for smooth and harmonious digestion.

This salad is finished with pumpkin seeds, dill and parsley which all contain essential minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese and iron! All of these minerals support immunity and help maintain the digestive tract for nutrient absorption and prevent the invasion of harmful bacteria in our gut.

Don’t forget proper hydration! Water helps move substances through the digestive tract smoothly and provides the base for digestive juices and lubricates the food to move more easily through the esophagus and into the stomach.