Getting outside into nature

Guest blog written by Da Whipp


Here at True Food, we care about you. That’s why we do what we do. But we’re not just about serving you delicious meals. We’d also like to offer you reminders here in this wellness blog.

These reminders are meant for us as much as they are for you. Because it’s so easy to get caught up in our daily routines and forget to take care of our bodies, or just to enjoy life.

We might find ourselves working a lot and getting distracted by the interruptions on our to do list. And we believe it’s great to be able to hustle when needed. But sometimes we just gotta get outside and play!


Taking breaks from the daily grind is actually a good thing for productivity because it gives our brains a break too when we detach from work or whatever has had our full attention.

It’s true that being in a flow state is amazing for getting things done, but these pattern interrupts are equally amazing. Nature can be a major source of inspiration for work, and life!

Finding nature is easy where we live in Missoula Montana. We can go for epic hikes not far from where we live. But it’s actually pretty easy for most people to find a nice piece of nature, even if you live in a bigger city in some other State.

It’s Summertime and nature is in full swing. It’s a celebration in the wilderness and you’re invited!

Do you ever hear the call of the wild? Do you feel the tug of the natural terrain around you?

It’s our experience that we can make little trips on a regular basis that are playful. We can bring a friend or two if we want, or use these times for solo contemplation. One great way to do this is to grab that camera you got (even your phone) and practice shooting landscapes or close ups of flowers.

The camera can be a tool to help us to see better, and then the camera isn’t needed in order for us to see the beautiful compositions of the world around us. Maybe you want to take a portrait of your friends outdated profile pic, or hey, take a selfie or two of yourself just for fun!


Anyway, the point we want to share with you today is that periodic pattern interrupts can do wonders for our thoughts, emotions, and projects. We can do it alone or with others. But we can tell you from experience, reminders always help us to do those things we say we want to do.

So this is our day to remember to enjoy the beautiful world around us. Let’s get outside more, instead of only looking at pretty pictures on Instagram. And if you’re already rocking the outdoor hashtag lifestyle, then way to go!

The point is to be playful and enjoy the body you have in this life. It’s a precious thing and we honor your path in this world. It’s a pleasure to share these perspectives with you and we wish you a blessed journey.

Contributed by David Whipple

David Whipple is a health strategist and digital nomad. He’s been experiencing lifestyle improvements for 20 years and loves to share his learning process. He also offers creative services on his website.