A clean colon makes life golden!


We believe that no conversation about health and wellness would be complete without talking about gut health. Keeping our colons clean is one of the cornerstones of a holistic lifestyle.

Some people seem to be uncomfortable talking about this subject and want to avoid it. But we’re going to keep it real, simple, and fun! So in this post, we’re going to focus on how things move out of our bodies, instead of what goes into them.

The gut area of our bodies is considered to be like a brain, second to the one in our heads. Studies show this clearly. You know what it’s like when your brain feels cluttered and clogged. And if you think about it, the same is true for our gut brain.

When we’re bloated and blocked below decks, our focus, energy, and immune system are diminished. But if we keep our colon clean and clear, all the above are enhanced.


Now every body is unique in it’s design and desires, but there are some universal things that apply to most of us in general. So starting with the basics, here are some fundamental things to consider.

Squatting is a natural sitting and resting position for humans. Most of us in this modern world are sedentary and sitting in seats. If this position is the normal every day for years, then it leads to physiological aches and a contorted colon. Yes, it’s assumed that movement practices and hydration help with these things, but let’s not ignore gut health.

If we’re not eliminating in proportion to what we’re consuming, this leads to a bigger belly and a buildup of toxicity (auto toxicity). In general, the average person should be having one or two bowel movements everyday. And this process is going to be greatly enhanced if we assume a squatting position while eliminating.

Have you ever gone number two outside while camping? Or seen how monkey's sometimes sit? It’s like that!


Most of us are inside on a toilet though, so here’s some suggestions about that. You can either place your feet on the seat and lower yourself into a squat. Or what a lot of people are doing these days is using a foot stool at the bottom of the toilet to place their feet on, which raises their legs into an approximation of a squatting position. You can find these online easily.

In this way, our digestive tract is in proper alignment and digestion can move freely, instead of getting blocked by literally being out of shape. And if your body has a hard time getting into this position, then it’s time to try some hip opening yoga that will elongate the back legs as well.

Going a step beyond the squat, the next level strategy for colon cleansing is colonics. If you’ve never heard of a colonic, here’s a good start. It’s like ten enemas in one. Having a series of three to five colonics within the span of a year will work miracles inside our bodies.

The warm water flushes out old fecal matter that has been stuck and fermenting. Pretty gross, but true! You see, the colon in our gut is like a sewage waste system in a city. It’s gotta be kept flowing freely, otherwise things can get bad. And if we aren’t helping our bodies perform this duty on its own, then colonics can help get us back on track.

Some people prefer to start with enemas. They might be a little less intimidating than a colonic. Enemas are great for regular maintenance, and we recommend them.

Another serious issue to consider with clogged colons is that parasites tend to thrive in a sluggish bowel. Parasites can be insidious in the damage they cause over the long term. You can read more about them here. Fortunately, they are fairly easy to remove. First clear the bowels, and then include some tried and true herbs that remove parasites. The most common ones are wormwood, clove, and black walnut. But you can learn more from the studies.


Now let’s assume you’ve got your gut in a good place with all of the above. From this point, it’s more about maintenance. So let’s mention a bit about foods that promote good gut health.

Probiotics are one of the best things. They help rebuild the gut flora that may have been damaged over the years. When the flora is populated with good probiotics, the immune system is much more effective at protecting us from viruses and illness in general.

Yogurt is one of the most well known foods that has natural probiotics. So that’s a good addition to the breakfast routine. Supplements are a good way to go too, and there’s a lot of good choices for these in health food stores.

Similarly to probiotics is fermented foods. These would include foods like sauerkraut, kim chi, pickled vegetables, and vinegars. Fermented foods have naturally occurring probiotics, and their positive effects in our bodies are similar to probiotics. We’ve found that including these into our diet is easy, fun, and healthy.


An important mention when it comes to food for gut health is fiber. Basically what this means is making sure we’re getting enough organic fiber in our diets in the form of roughage. This helps to sweep our digestive tracts of other sticky foods that might want to cling to our colons. High fiber foods that offer roughage are things like, leafy greens and vegetables. Chia seeds are a superfood with high fiber too and have a very soothing effect on the digestive tract.

The final thing to say about the subject of gut health is fasting. Studies show that caloric restriction in the form of intermittent fasting leads to better health and longevity. Reducing the amount we consume gives our digestion a break, so our bodies can use that energy for healing other areas that have needed attention.

A simple way to remember that last part is this: eat less, mostly plants, and move more! But movement is the subject of the next weeks blog post, so stay tuned for that!

Now that’s basically it for this post. So let’s summarize.

  • The gut is the second brain.
  • It’s the sewage system of our bodies.
  • Our immune system relies on our gut health.
  • Squat while you pot!
  • Colonics are a fast track to clear colons.
  • Do not fear the enema!
  • Include probiotics and fermented foods in your diet.
  • Order a salad instead of fries!
  • Eat less, mostly plants, move more.

Other than that, don’t forget to drink water and breathe deeply. Your health is in your hands. A holistically integrated lifestyle can be easy and fun!

Reach out if you have any questions or if you’d like to share your experiences with us. As always, we’re here for you, and wish you and your loved ones all the best as well!

Contributed by David Whipple

David Whipple is a health strategist and digital nomad. He’s been experiencing lifestyle improvements for 20 years and loves to share his learning process. He also offers creative services on his website.