Spring. What an amazing word that perfectly describes this time of year. A spring causes a bounce or an upward force. This time of year can be about using the energy built up from a long winter hibernation to catapult us forward in our lives. Flowers are popping out of the ground, new grass is shooting up, and dormant excitement is stirring in all of us, calling to be released.

Doing a reflective cleanse at this time will help our "spring" bounce us farther as we then can spring forward in our lives more intentionally. What is it you truly want for your spring? What is a one word intention that is quite possibly ready to burst from your heart?

Yes, cleansing is about slowing down and looking at things more carefully and thoughtfully...so we notice the things we put into our mouths and minds. Taking a moment to listen to the ways our bodies are asking to be moved. Setting our compass to the direction it now wants to move in. All while re-remembering that we have more than enough conditions for happiness. This is a fine tuning, not an overhaul so we aim for a B-.

Sometimes we slow down in order to navigate the speedy times more eloquently. Can you feel things speeding up? It's not too late to join the 3-week Spring Cleanse through www.beyondwellliving.com as I will extend the cleanse for one week for those joining next week! It's never been easier with the help of delicious offerings from True Foods Missoula. Last week's menu was absolutely delicious and I felt so nourished by it.

You are never "behind". You are right where you are supposed to be! Your timing is perfect actually. Some are not starting the until Monday and if you would like to hop into a supportive, gentle cleanse, click here: https://beyondwellliving.com/3-week-ayurvedic-detox/

xo Food for thought from health and wellness coach, Cindy Marshall