Hello! My name is Cindy Marshall and I am a health and wellness coach here in Missoula, MT. Every spring and fall, I run a cleanse to help us all ease into the next season easefully. It's become one of my favorite parts of spring! I know you will LOVE how inspired and energetic you feel afterwards. You will also feel lighter and in control of cravings. I believe it's important for us to aim for a B- and not get too extreme. (Extremes never work.) I highly encourage everyone to keep this fun so that you will want to continue to use what you learn long after the cleanse. My goal is that no one ever feels deprived. This is my fourth year running cleanses and I have seen so many dramatic and long lasting results from participants. The key is to be playful with this, steer clear of extremes, and stay in your own lane by not comparing your cleanse to anyone else's.

The cleanse runs from April 5th to April 26th.

The 3 weeks are broken down like this:

  • Week 1 is all about eliminating the foods that are no longer nourishing you and/or temporarily removing heavy foods like meat and dairy. You can choose how slow or fast or how much of those you feel like removing from your diet. Some choose to continue eating meat and dairy but work only on removing processed foods. All up to you. For my first cleanse about 5 years ago, I kept it simple and eliminated only 1 thing each week.

  • In week 2 we continue to eliminate the foods that we need a break from and may also choose to eat cleansing foods like oatmeal and Indian beans and rice for an amazing gut and immune system reboot. By the way, I also have a TON of other easy and delicious whole food, plant-based recipes to choose from that can accomodate any restrictions or preferences. True Food Missoula will also have lots of meal delivery options if you want to make this even easier! You can check out more here: https://truefoodcsa.com/

  • In week 3, we start to add in some of the heavier foods we removed from week 1 (dairy, meat, etc.) The transition back is often the most important part.

So...If you want to feel lighter, learn simple and easy ways to eat cleaner and have the support of a fun group of people all working towards the same goal, click here to sign up! https://beyondwellliving.com/3-week-ayurvedic-detox/ The cleanse officially starts in 5 days but feel free to join in anytime over the next 10 days. True Food participants get $50 off and get the supportive cleanse calls and Facebook group for only $75. You can also bring a friend for the same price! The live Zoom calls will be on all Mondays in April from 6pm to 7pm. We are all in this together Missoula, let's choose a life full of goodness! If you have any questions feel free to call, text or email Cindy Marshall at (406) 214-6671, cindymarshallhealthcoach@gmail.com