Keeping a clear colon.

Keeping a clear colon.

This is a topic that is super important to talk about. One of the best ways to make life golden is to clear the colon. And it’s a lot easier than you might think!

Water is life!

Water is life!

In this post we want to focus in on the power of drinking water. It’s one of the most important parts of a holistically integrated lifestyle, yet often overlooked by many of us.

Breath deep for a better life!

Breath deep for a better life!

You probably hear a lot of talk about food when it comes to health. Nutritional choices will always be important, but let us remember to prioritize our breathing before getting carried away with trending fads first. The optimized circulation of oxygen in our blood is one of the best ways to support our immune systems.

Food For Thought, It's Never Too Late

Food For Thought, It's Never Too Late

Spring. What an amazing word that perfectly describes this time of year. A spring causes a bounce or an upward force. This time of year can be about using the energy built up from a long winter hibernation to catapult us forward in our lives. Flowers are popping out of the ground, new grass is shooting up, and dormant excitement is stirring in all of us, calling to be released.

Doing a reflective cleanse at this time will help our "spring" bounce us farther as we then can spring forward in our lives more intentionally. What is it you truly want for your spring? What is a one word intention that is quite possibly ready to burst from your heart?

Yes, cleansing is about slowing down and looking at things more carefully and we notice the things we put into our mouths and minds. Taking a moment to listen to the ways our bodies are asking to be moved. Setting our compass to the direction it now wants to move in. All while re-remembering that we have more than enough conditions for happiness. This is a fine tuning, not an overhaul so we aim for a B-.

Sometimes we slow down in order to navigate the speedy times more eloquently. Can you feel things speeding up? It's not too late to join the 3-week Spring Cleanse through as I will extend the cleanse for one week for those joining next week! It's never been easier with the help of delicious offerings from True Foods Missoula. Last week's menu was absolutely delicious and I felt so nourished by it.

You are never "behind". You are right where you are supposed to be! Your timing is perfect actually. Some are not starting the until Monday and if you would like to hop into a supportive, gentle cleanse, click here:

xo Food for thought from health and wellness coach, Cindy Marshall

Week of May 4 Menu

Week of May 4 Menu

Wild morel and grilled asparagus soup, lamb and roasted beet borscht with coriander crème fraiche, spring salad…

More Ways to Connect: Your local food system

More Ways to Connect: Your local food system

In this time of social distancing, we may be searching for new ways to connect, many of us on the phone or computer seemingly all day to check in with loved ones and work with co-workers. But we still need deeper and more intimate connections with one another. We’re missing the comfort of contact, closeness, ability to welcome someone into our home, backyard BBQs, and spontaneous coffee dates…

Fun Ways to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

Fun Ways to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

With social distancing measures in place for so long now, we’re all feeling the emotional toll. Lack of human contact can be damaging to the psyche, especially during these uneasy times. To promote total wellness, we need to stay in touch with loved ones now more than ever. These are hard times, but love, laughter, and just seeing another smiling face every day can help us get through it…

Week of April 27 Menu

Week of April 27 Menu

Chickpea and cucumber salad with feta cheese and mint, Spanish chicken stew with thigh meat and spinach, vegan cream of mushroom and roasted celery root soup…

Week of April 20 Menu

Week of April 20 Menu

Sprouted Barley and sweet Italian bugoni sausage minestrone soup, vegan potato leek soup with mint and chive, nettle pesto and roasted red pepper quiche, and immune defense bone broth with adaptogenic mushroom blend

Week of April 13 Menu

Week of April 13 Menu

Nutrient dense spotlights from this week’s menu: Oxbow Beef Bourguignon, Creamy Wild Nettle and Roasted Cauliflower Soup, and White Bean and Microgreen Salad

Digestion Series #1: Rest and Digest

Digestion Series #1: Rest and Digest

The interaction and relationship between your immune system and the outside world can be complicated and confusing, though it doesn’t have to be! One powerful way to improve the health and function of your immune system is through food…

Week of April 6: Your Bio-Individuality

Week of April 6: Your Bio-Individuality

One of the most important aspects of health is respecting and honoring our bio-individuality. Bio-individuality is a dynamic circumstance in which a person’s current circumstances change their nutritional needs. While there are certain nutritional principles that all people benefit from, there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Your current circumstances, challenges, environment, lifestyle, bodily strengths and weaknesses, all influence what particular foods will serve you best in the moment.

Week of March 30 Menu

Week of March 30 Menu

Thai coconut curry, braised lamb stew, and kale goodness salad–learn the nutrient-dense spotlights of this week's True Food menu!

Welcome to the Weekly Wellness Notes

In these times when things are out of our control and uncertain, feelings of powerlessness and anxiety can seep into our everyday lives. We crave the feelings of safety, normalcy, certainty, and some sense of predictability. Fear, anxiety, and restlessness can make us feel detached and disconnected; ungrounded if you like. I’d like to encourage you to explore this time as an opportunity to slow down, reevaluate, and remember what is truly important in your life…